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The main objective of the InterDocSchool project is to support internationalisation of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) Doctoral School. The InterDocSchool project is co-financed by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA within the STER Programme “Internationalisation of doctoral schools”.


Mains facts about the InterDocSchool project:

  • The project is implemented at the WUST Doctoral School.
  • The overall budget is PLN 2 220 000, including 90% funding from NAWA (PLN 1 998 000).
  • Project implementation period is from 2021-01-04 to 2023-12-31.
  • The project manager is prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak, Dean of the WUST Doctoral School.

The InterDocSchool project includes 8 activities (tasks):

  1. Scholarships for the best WUST doctoral students implementing PhD in international cooperation.
  2. Foreign mobility of WUST doctoral students.
  3. International summer/winter schools for WUST doctoral students
  4. Visiting professors for WUST doctoral students.
  5. International promotion of WUST Doctoral School.
  6. New courses at WUST Doctoral School.
  7. International cooperation of doctoral schools.
  8. Project management.

The key objectives of the InterDocSchool project:

  • to increase the international mobility of doctoral students;
  • to acquire foreign doctoral students;
  • to acquire supervisors from abroad;
  • to increase the number of joint degree, double degree or co-tutelle PhDs;
  • to improve the quality of education at WUST Doctoral School;
  • to improve the quality of doctoral students' research work and achieving a higher participation in international projects;
  • to support long-term international cooperation of doctoral schools.
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