The main objective of the InterDocSchool project is to support internationalisation of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) Doctoral School. The InterDocSchool project is co-financed by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA within the STER Programme “Internationalisation of doctoral schools”.

Mains facts about the InterDocSchool project:
- The project is implemented at the WUST Doctoral School.
- The overall budget is PLN 2 220 000, including 90% funding from NAWA (PLN 1 998 000).
- Project implementation period is from 2021-01-04 to 2023-12-31.
- The project manager is prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak, Dean of the WUST Doctoral School.
The InterDocSchool project includes 8 activities (tasks):
- Scholarships for the best WUST doctoral students implementing PhD in international cooperation.
- Foreign mobility of WUST doctoral students.
- International summer/winter schools for WUST doctoral students
- Visiting professors for WUST doctoral students.
- International promotion of WUST Doctoral School.
- New courses at WUST Doctoral School.
- International cooperation of doctoral schools.
- Project management.
The key objectives of the InterDocSchool project:
- to increase the international mobility of doctoral students;
- to acquire foreign doctoral students;
- to acquire supervisors from abroad;
- to increase the number of joint degree, double degree or co-tutelle PhDs;
- to improve the quality of education at WUST Doctoral School;
- to improve the quality of doctoral students' research work and achieving a higher participation in international projects;
- to support long-term international cooperation of doctoral schools.