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3rd Call for applications (June 2022)

Basic information

  • This call offers one summer/winter school for doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST) in winter semester 2022/2023.
  • Summer/winter school should include 30 hours of lectures in English given by 5 foreign lecturers and each lecturer should deliver 6 hours of lectures. In addition to 30 hours of lectures, the summer/winter school may include other activities, e.g., a poster session of participants, additional workshops
  • The following participants may attend the summer/winter school:
    • up to 20 doctoral students of the WUST Doctoral School;
    • up to 20 doctoral students from outside the WUST Doctoral School.
  • Participants of the summer/winter school will not be charged for attendance. Participants from outside WUST must pay their travel and accommodation costs themselves.
  • Financial support for the organisation of a summer/winter school includes:
    • Remuneration for the lecturer for preparing and delivering a 6-hour lecture as part of the summer/winter school in the amount of PLN 9 000 (PLN 1 500 per one hour of course). The amount of remuneration is determined pursuant to applicable laws (i.e., taxes) and regulations of WUST.
    • Funds for providing the catering for school participants (coffee break and lunch each day, one gala dinner).
  • The application should be submitted by an employee of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology referred to as the “school chair”.
  • The School Chair:
    • supports the Dean's Office of the Doctoral School in contacts with the lecturers;
    • is responsible for booking the appropriate lecture rooms or in the case of online lectures providing links and technical information enabling participation in the lectures;
    • is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the summer/winter school website;
    • is responsible for the recruitment of school participants in accordance with the rules developed by the Doctoral School Council and available on the InterDocSchool website.
  • The school chair or another person indicated by him/her, hereinafter referred to as the attendant, is responsible for assisting the lecturers during their stay at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. After the school is completed, the attendant obtains his remuneration. The amount of remuneration for the attendant for assisting one lecturer is about PLN 800 (gross/gross salary), this amount depends on the current salary regulations of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
  • The application submission deadline is 16 June 2022.

More details can be found in the regulations (English, Polish).

Submission procedure

The application with required attachments should be sent by head of proposed school to email address: The application should be sent as two pdf files: one pdf as a scan of the application with the required signatures, and second pdf as the application without signatures. We kindly ask you to send the scan as a pdf file, documents in the form of photos or image files will not be accepted.

The required attachments are (for each lecturer of the summer/winter school):

  • CV of the the lecturer.
  • The initial declaration stating that the lecturer is ready to elaborate and deliver the lecture during the school.


  • The application submission deadline is 16 June 2022.
  • Competition results will be announced till 15 July 2022.
  • The summer/winter school granted in this call should be conducted in the winter semester 2022/2023, i.e., in period 1 October 2022 – 28 February 2023.

Application evaluation criteria

The applications will be evaluated by a three-person committee consisting of members of the Doctoral School Council. The committee awards points on a scale of 0-10 for each criterion. The final result is a weighted sum taking into account the weights applied to individual criteria. The best applications (with the highest ranking) will be awarded.

No. Assessment criterion Weight
1 Topics and description of the proposed summer / winter school (topicality, practical nature, interdisciplinarity) 3
2 The form of running a summer/winter school (lectures/workshops/seminars), the mode of conducting courses (remote/hybrid/traditional) and the use of modern teaching techniques 1
3 Materials for summer/winter school (script, multimedia presentations, video materials, etc.) 2
4 Additional activities within the summer/winter school (apart from lectures) 2
5 Assessment of summer/winter school lecturers (list of the most important publications over the period of the last 10 years, H index (according to Scopus database), invited lectures, participation in conferences, participation in national and international projects, cooperation with the social and economic communities, supervision of doctoral dissertations) 2
6 Experience of summer/winter school lecturers in preparing and conducting courses for doctoral students (doctoral schools, summer/winter schools for doctoral students, tutorials, etc.) 2
7 The rank of the research institute in which the school's lecturers work. Universities are assessed on the basis of the current international Shanghai ranking
The position of the University in the world:
1-100 - 10 points
101-200 - 8 points
201-300 - 6 points
301-500 - 4 points
501-1000 - 2 points
Companies - experience in R&D and the number of patents taken out in the last 10 years - 1-10 points.
8 Opinion of the Council of Doctoral Students 2
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